The Norwegian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Conference took place on 21-24 November 2009. Jón Björn Skúlason, General Manager, and Elizabeth Unger, Sustainability Analyst, from Icelandic New Energy gave two presentations. Here you may find each.
The Status of Hydrogen Use in Iceland by Elizabeth Unger
Hydrogen and Social Dimensions: Including HyFLEET:CUTE by Jón Björn Skúlason
Here are most of the presentations attached as pdf to the relevant authors. We are very sorry for the delay which stems from unforeseen lack of staff during the month of June. But as promised these are most of the presentations about hydrogen projects in the member countries. Click on each name and they should open up as the relevant presentation in a pdf form. We will insert more presentations soonish.
Jón Björn Skúlason, Icelandic New Energy Presentation on the SMART-H2 project.
María Maack, Icelandic New Energy on the research agenda for the SMART-H2
Scott Staily, Ford Cars using hydrogen, development department at Ford
Daniel Aklil, Pure In Shetland the community is in the focus and projects are designed to fit the community needs.
Monika Kentzler, Daimler Shows the outline of development of vehicles from Daimler
Lilja Guðmundsdóttir, the electric system study She looks into the electric system in Reykjavik and shows how the grid would cope with more demand connected to the foreseen productin pattern for hydrogen.
Greg Jones, Hydro Newfoundland This presentation is about an integrated system using windmills, hydrogen, and disil generators in Newfounland
Ulf Hafseld, HyNor the hydrogen road connections in Scandinavia He describes how the west coast of Norway, Sweden and Denmark could be connected with hydrogen transport facilities.