We welcome new members!

Currently the NOrth Atlantic Hydrogen Association is run from Icelandic New Energy, that is located in Reykjavik, Iceland. All players in the region of the North Atlantic are welcome as members of NAHA. Actually all those who can sign the main foundation agreement even though your community is not exactly in the set geographic location will be considered. Island communities an companies working in hydrogen systems have shown lively interest so far and our meetings are interesting because of the exchange on practical experience and information on how to integrate hydrogen as an energy carrier into the set conditions. If you are interested then either call Mr Jon Björn Skulason on the phonenumber: + 354 588 03 10 or send an email to skulason[at]newenergy.is with the following information: 

     Name of company/person

  •      Full mailing adress:
  •      Phone/fax/mobile:
  •      Email:
  •      Name of contact person (for a company/institute/etc.)
  •      Invoice adress (if different from above):

Membership fees are listed here below. Invoices for 2008  have been sent out.

Membership fee

Large corporations (+100 employees) 20.000      
SME (<100 employees) 10.000      
Governmental bodies 10.000      
Research institutes 5.000      
University (faculty/institutes) 2.500      
Non governmental organisations (NGO's) 2.500      
Associated members 700